Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Episode number 9 from July 2011, our Summer Special for your pleasure.

Hard day picking winkles, eh?  Well towel down and settle in, with our sunshiney crikey-timey SUMMER SPECIAL.  Knotted hankie over your spankie, make the deckchair hire a good two-hour-er, we're here to soundtrack your six weeks of backyard pit-roasts, post-hanging soirees, Barge-burning jambourees, flotilla pelting parties, fetes, malt stomping, fertility cockfight side-hoots, broken barn hoe-outs, chaingang spank-offs, muscle beach beat-downs, boardwalk keel-haws, and moustache rallies.  CREAM ME UP, TONKER!


Podcast subscription (itunes etc):


Some stupid host site:

or even by playing it direct here:

Blare it from your windows on a hot day time.  Neighbourhoods love that kind of swinecrack.

Back in days, to treat you with a half-melted lolly tray of stories and bore-ies to enhance your enjoytment of the jollities contained herein.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

June 2011 ; That racket were cracking, but what were that were in it?

Just a quick one this time round.  Time's precious, oh four readers.  Here's the chow-down on what June's edition blowed you down with:

2. Hapa Haole Hula Girl - Kalama's Quartette
3. E-Liliu-E, Hula - Felix Mendelssohn
4. El Pobrecito - Los Machucambos
5. Unidentifiable, other than  "Victor Vk 3528a Indo". S
omething from here.
6. Dumb As A Baby – Zhang Lai Lai
7. Mi Platero (Cancion - Fox) - Los Xey 

HEYYYYY: How about some highlights from the heat stages of our European Song Competition from May?  Whey, why not; these muckers didn’t quite cut the crusted mustard, but are quite jolly attempts.  Let’s not let them gather dust, busters:
8. Frauen Sind Keine Engel - Margot Hielscher
9. Battre Och Battre Dag For Dag (I'm Getting Better Every Day) - Ernst Rolf
10. Baklandets Vackra Maja [Sweden] - Christer Falkenstrom
11. Jeg Har Min Hest, Jeg Har Min Lasso - Jens Book-Jenssen

All right- back to normal.  Have Some This:::::
12. Wochende - Walter Ruttmann ; from  An Anthology Of Noise & Electronic Music First A-Chronology 1921-2001
13. Appenzeller Yodel With Moving Coins - Franzsepp Inauen
14. The Ruined Maid - Elsa Lanchester
15. Prends Donc Courage - Cleoma Falcon
16. Let Us Tell The Story - The Gaugin Years: Songs And Dances
17. Chicken Talk (Moises Vivanco) - Yma Sumac
18. Rosy Retrospection - The Caretaker
19. Midnight, The Stars And You - Ray Noble & His Orchestra

Our Summer Special is almost ready for you to give a good licking: watch for a stormy July of troublesomes!